Mail Art Bocksbeutel
Mail Art about Bocksbeutel - the typical franconian wine bottle of my region. Your mail art will be appreciated for an exhibition that will take place in Hammelburg. A catalogue is planed. Vernissage 03.06.2016, 19.00 Uhr Hammelburg, Viehmarktplatz 4 (Schreinerei Heinickel) opening time 4.06. - 17.07.2016 Saturdays 10-14 Uhr // Sundays 14-18 Uhr

impression of the traffic island in Hammelburg and mail art from Servane Morel (Belgium)
info about the wine-bottle
Samstag, 16. Juli 2016
Sonntag, 26. Juni 2016
... some feedbacks to the catalogue ...
Jarina Jager (Netherlands)
Nancy Bell Scott (USA)
from David Dellafiora (Australia)
from Tofu (USA)
from Ed Giecek (USA)
from Ficus Strangulensis (USA)
from Vittore Baroni (Italy)
from John Held Jr. (USA)
from Serse Luigetti (Italy)
from Miguel Jimenez (Spain)
from Heike Sackmann (Germany)
from Margitta Sündermann (Germany)
from Jeanette Chung (USA)
from Kerosene (Canada)
from Henry Denander (Sweden)
from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)
from Thorsten Fuhrmann (Germany)
from Heinz Lotz (Germany)
from Anke van den Berg (Belgium)
from Hanna Bayer (Germany)
from Danile Virgilio (Italy)
from Mzia Valerian (Belgium)
Dienstag, 21. Juni 2016
Montag, 13. Juni 2016
No. 811 - personally delivery from Christian Fenn (Germany)
real cocoons of butterflies, that will come to birth in the next days..
now part of the exhibition .... I hope we will see butterflies the next weekend
during opening time
Christian Fenn brought them yesterday.
yesterday, Sunday we had 1261 visitors in the exhibition - new record day
saturday there have been more 900 --- incredible but true
Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2016
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2016
... some impressions of the opening day on 3rd of June ...
at the catalogue's desk
shortly before opening
shortly before opening
shortly before opening
50ies lounge
visitors wating in front of the exhibition room
waiting for the opening
postman's last delivery for the exhibition
run into the exhibition
run into the exhibition
late night visitors
late night visitors
visitors in the 50ies lounge watching TV
--- about 200 visitors this night
... some impressions of the art night on 4th of June ...
visitors on 4th of June
Live Band on 4th of June - art night
visitors on 4th of June
late night visitors
late night visitors on 4th of June
Live Band
catalogue desk
after midnight, shortly before closing the exhibition room
about 450 visitors this day and night
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