.................... the exhibition can be loaned ....................


impression of the traffic island in Hammelburg and mail art from Servane Morel (Belgium)

Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2015

No. 168 and No. 169 - arriving mail art from John Welson (United Kingdom)

John painted two postcards over with acryl.
Thank you

No. 167 - arriving mail art from Balu d'Art (Germany)

wordpun on the english phoenetic pronouciation of Bocksbeutel
Thank you

No. 166 - arriving mail art from Uli Grohmann (Germany)

Uli made a pictogramm with the Bocksbeutel, backseides a 
quotation from Goethe, he used the word "Bocksbeutelei" in his famous novel
"Wilhelm Meister's journeyman Years".
Thank you

No. 165 - arriving mail art from Heike Sackmann (Germany)

Heike used the portuguese Bocksbeutel from Mateus for her work.
Thank you

No. 164 - arriving mail art from Rüdiger Kleitz (Germany)

Drawing, collage and rubberstamp om artcard.
Thank you.

No. 163 - arriving mail art from Spiel Café (Germany)

A charcoal drawing, still life with Bocksbeutel inside Bocksbeutel.
Thank you

Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2015

No. 162 - arriving mail art from Fraenz Frisch (Luxembourg)

Fraenz sent this new outfit for a Bocksbeutel.
Thank you.

No. 161 - arriving mail art from Anna Carina Fries (Germany)

Well this is really a new and funny design for a Bocksbeutel
real collaged ballons.
Thank you.

No. 160 - arriving mail art from Nicole Eippers (Belgium)

Nicole recyled an image - now picnic with Bocksbeutel.
Thank you.

No. 159 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

Mister Bock & Mister Beutel playing music and billards.
Thank you

No. 158 - arriving mail art from Mzia Valerian (Belgium)

Another worked by Mzia, she used the add & return sheet 
and printed notes on it and collaged butterflies.
Thank you

No. 157 - arriving mail art from Monika Mori (Austria)

A new sending from Monika with her designe Bocksbeutel bottle, 
here the advertising for it.
Thank you.

No. 156 - arriving mail art via Mayor Armin Warmuth Hammelburg (Germany)

The Mayor of the city Armin Warmuth played with us the game 
stamped the card and passed it on to 
Karin Wengerter from Kulturbunt
Thank you.

No. 155 - arriving mail art via Stadtwerke Hammelburg (Germany)

The sponsor Stadtwerke played with us the game,
 stamped the card and passed it on to 
Karin Wengerter from Kulturbunt
Thank you.

No. 154 - arriving mail art via Sponsor Flessabank Hammelburg (Germany)

The sponsor Flessabank played with us the game 
and stamped the card, did also a sticker to it, and passed it on to 
Karin Wengerter from Kulturbunt
Thank you.